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GUIASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NARRATIVE REPORT on READING According to the authors of English Expressway Book; "Reading is fundamental to function in today’s society, it is a vital skill in finding a good job and is important because it develop one's mind. It is a magical thinking to believe Janet Emig (1983) Viewpoint of teaching that, "The pupils learned because we teach" and one of the important skills that needs to be developed in children is Reading. It can open up new worlds and enrich live. In most cases, there will be no special regulations involved on earth it is generic, practical or theoretical. Perhaps, reading is important because words - spoken and written are the building blocks of life. You are now the result of words that you learned as read. Every teacher of Guiasan Elementary School conducted reading assessment to determine the reading readiness of a child. The Grade I teacher conducted EGRA-ERATA to identify pupils their reading levels. The result was some of them belonged to component 1 which was letter name knowledge but most of them belonged to the component 2- letter sound knowledge. Last July, 2015, Grades two to six, conducted the class reading Pre-test for both Silent and Oral reading for English and Filipino subject. Based on the oral reading consolidated report for all reading tests being conducted, most of the grade one pupils failed to identify letter sounds, some of the grade II to VI were not able to read with comprehension, and most of the pupils fell on frustration level and instructional level of readers from grades four to six. Part of this activity, teachers can easily identify pupils, in their particular domain which they failed to exhibit / perform. The Guiasan Elementary School launched the project ART- Additional Reading Time to those pupils evaluated of having difficulties in reading, one hour at least twice a week between 3:00pm to 4:00pm. It started with identifying letter sound from grade one to six; reading CVC patterns to those who were frustration readers and reading paragraphs with comprehension to those instructional readers. The materials were charts, flash cards and big books. Indeed, reading of books is a great help to enhance reading proficiency level of the learners. Prepared by: ROSEMARIE B. PATINDOL Grade II Teacher